We developed an original methodology to integrate architecture and social sciences data gathered through an extensive fieldwork activity. Our aim was to investigate the relationship between architecture, home and community in Claremont Court.
This qualitative research combined architectural research methods (laser-tape survey, photo-survey, contextual mapping and visual narratives) with research methods from the social sciences (biographical, walk-along and photo-elicitation interviews).
Visual methods played a key role as cross-disciplinary means, which are able to integrate the physical and socio-cultural aspects of the place, enabling the dialogue between architecture and social sciences disciplinary areas.
Related publications:
Bertolino, Nadia and Costa Santos, Sandra (2017) Towards a definition of ‘place’. Cross-disciplinary methodology for interpolating architectural and sociological data in Claremont Court, Edinburgh. In: A Panel on Inter and Transdisciplinary Relationships in Architecture, 3-6 July 2017, Athens, Greece.
Lewis, C., May, V. & Hicks, S. ‘Researching place, belonging and atmosphere using architectural and sociological methods’, British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Manchester, 4-6 April 2017.