The Steering Group aims to develop further collaboration between Newcastle Youth Offending Team and the Department of Social Sciences at Northumbria University, building upon joint initiatives in development since 2008. The nature of the partnership is defined by a Memorandum of Understanding which supports the statutory aims of the YOT Partnership as defined in Sustaining the Success (The Youth Justice Board, October 2004)
‘…..The Youth Justice Board also provides support to Yots in carrying out its statutory authority within section 41 (4) (g) of the 1998 Crime and Disorder Act to allow Yots to develop good practice.’
- The Key Tasks of the Group
All Group meetings should be focussed on action and driven by the following:
- Co-ordinating all collaboration between Northumbria University and Newcastle YOT
- Promoting wider collaboration with criminal justice and third sector partners
- Fostering innovation and creative problem solving
- Integrating local evidence based perspectives to service development
- Improving student opportunities into the practice arena and further support research and practice informed teaching